Simposio 2024

Simposio internazionale del marmo Alto Adige/Italia 2024

Artisti partecipanti:

Artisti di tutto il mondo sono stati invitati nell’ambito di un concorso internazionale. Tra scultori e “skaters”, sono pervenute in totale 58 candidature da artisti di 21 paesi e 4 continenti.

Tra le candidature sono stati selezionati i seguenti 8 artisti:


      • Martin Böttcher & Corinna Zuercher – Paese di origine: Germania – skater

      • Elias Nunner & Johannes Kroeker – Paese di origine: Germania – skater


    “In attesa del simposio – la foto mostra il team organizzativo dopo la presentazione degli artisti selezionati da parte del trio di curatori”.

    Vinschgau is the name of a mountain valley in South Tyrol, the northernmost province of Italy in the Alps, bordering on North Tyrol (Austria) and Switzerland (Grisons). In the summer of 2024 (as well as 2026), the communities of Laas and Schlanders will host an international, interdisciplinary sculpture project lasting three weeks entitled “Vinschgau crystalline”.

    The special and unifying feature of these places is their world-famous marble. It is quarried underground in two quarries at an altitude of 1,570 m and 2,200 m in the Stilfser Joch National Park. This unique marble is characterised by its fine, crystalline texture and resistance. The first works made from the marble in this region date back to Roman times. The first industrial quarrying began as early as the 19th century.

    Impressions of the underground marble quarry (3:11 min)


    Municipalities of Laas and Schlanders (BZ), South Tyrol, Italy. The autonomous province of South Tyrol is the northernmost province of Italy. It borders North and East Tyrol and to a small extent Salzburg (Austria) to the north and east, and the canton of Grisons (Switzerland) to the west. Vinschgau belongs to the German language and culture area. The provincial capital is Bozen.

    Municipality Schlanders

    Municipality Laas


    The municipalities of Laas (BZ) and Schlanders (BZ)


    13 July to 4 August 2024


    TOBEL, Mary Zischg and Ernst-Ludwig Kolt

    Contatto capo progetto: 

    Karin Meister

    Responsabili di progetto:


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